piątek, 27 stycznia 2012

kigurumi- sewing process

few days ago i've sewn kigurumi for Panda <3
i'm quite proud of it ~

I've made it with my new sewing machine- Amelia II <3
she is brilliant. i mean, i love the old one, but she is old, and a little broken.
anyway, i'm very happy that i have the new one ~ 

wtorek, 24 stycznia 2012

DISNEY NIGHT by Miravell

 Hi, it's Miravell ~ shiz best friend forever and ever until we both die etc. etc. ~ I don't remember in which language is she writing but whateva, I can mix it :3
 W niedzielę zrobiłam Disney night (in my (Miravell) home), zaprosiłam Lenę, Shiz, Julię i Pat (and Panda and Domi but they couldn't come...)
 There was a lot of popcorn and green tea~
 And movie list:
Peter Pan, Mulan, Tangled, Mulan II, Beauty and the Beast, Anastasia (and I saw Pocahontas II but they were sleeping already ;p)

 Pobudka była trudna (zasnęłyśmy ok.6 rano) więc puściłam soundtrack z Lion King ;3

Well morning - tumblr,food,pajamas and... more tumblr ?

 Shiz zrobiła sobie również słocię focię w moim lustrze~

THX, for attention, la Miravell (best friend (...) remember?).

                                                                 ^ that's... umm... well... me... ~

wtorek, 17 stycznia 2012

trip to Warsaw ~

aww, yesterday was really cute day <3
derping around with Panda and Nana in shopping center, all day all night ~

Panda bought „Alice in Hearts’ Land”

And then we’ve bought strawberry Fanta, small marshmallows and some “pocky”

annnd then Natsu appeared >lol<

>le cunzuraa<

After he left we went to Lola’s cupcakes <3 
I love this little shop, all this cupcakes look so so so cute and asdfshgdhk *-*

Oh, and Panda gave me friendship bracelet, loveloveloveee <3

t-shirt: gift from friend <3
trousers: Stradivarius
tights: Calzedonia
blouse: House
boots: Dr. Martens

and today i went ice skating with Miravell, yumyumyum

i've bought new pair of mp4 stuff ~

and now i have this lazy part of holidays ~

i've started watching "Gosick"
awhh, it's soo pretty, i'm falling in love <3

oh, also- yesterday i've learned how to do stripped bracelet :3

annd today i tried to do chevron one.. but i must practice it ^^""


i don't remember in which shop it was, but asdfghjkl absolutely must have it *-*